Saturday, February 23, 2008

Out and back before twelve

Pia and me decided to give Porvoo a chance tonight. Sober.
This is what we learned:

1. Café Seagull, 1 tea
Dark weirdo athmosphere. We felt like foreigners. Sat alone for a while, then the drunken boss from Porvoo drain-service sat down next to us, didn´t say a word, stared that stupid drunkard-stare, panted in Pia´s neck, refused to move when we asked him to. We moved to another table. Almost a fight at the next table.

2. Barracuda, 1 orange juice
Woow, Vikingline on bare land. Karaoke in a corner, a woman who looked like an exploded Tina Turner sang all the one hit wonders she could ever think of. A girl from the staff constantly gave us that "what the hell are you two doing here anyway"-look. Another drunkard sat down next to us, stared that stupid drunkard-stare, smelled like ash-tray and weeks with no shower, had blisters on his eye-lids and said that everything´s going to hell. We agreed. Then we went.

3. Donington Rock Club, 1 tea
Nice staff, let us enter almost for free, then we didn´t have to pay for the tea. The bartender looked like last time he made a cup of tea was in 1995, but it turned out good anyway. We sat there and liked it. No drunkards no nothing. Then out of nowhere came a disasterous rock-band. Our ear-drums almost burst and we felt like 67 years old. We went home.


Anonymous said...

hahahaa! That was a GOOD night though! I am still amazed by how many old drunk men that even look the same there are out there!

ponks said...

Hahhaa, I bet all those men were made at the same day.