Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Maybe I get into a hell lot of problems, but then at least I´ll have some good stories

I am off to Mexico tomorrow. Planning to possibly get back in springtime. Then, where is "back"? Wish you all a pleasant winter!

Friday, December 21, 2007

A proud owner of A MUSHROOM SHIRT

Today I stumbled over a 70´s MUSHROOM SHIRT from the fabulous Löytöhalli- secondhand store in Porvoo. For the ridiculous price of 2 euros the treasure was mine.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Tooth-brushing is exciting

HAHA! Now it occurs to me that he actually has a BLUE toothbrush while I have a RED ONE! Hahahhahaa. What´s up with OUR parents??

I am desperately waiting for christmas, because then we can do more stupid things like these, eat food, chocolate and then after 2 days i am OFF of this shit! I am leaving Finland for Mexico, and Vivi-Ann Sjögren has definitely convinced me I am not on the wrong way.
It´s hard to get anything done now. People talk about christmas gifts and make you feel you should actually BUY some. Hah!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Yxman härjade fem gånger på soptippen

BORGÅBLADET 12.12.07 A man with an axe has attacked a dump-station near Porvoo now five times. He attacked the gates of the dump-station, chopped the lamps and cut up the fence around the place. He also poured petroleum in a rain-water storage and put it on fire.
Hahhahah. Sorry.

Monday, December 10, 2007

A bad teacher´s confession

Today I tried to be a teacher. I have some problems with that because I think everyone should do what they like. And I think talking during classes isn´t bad because then you´re an outgoing and social person, which is only a good thing when you grow older. I also encourage drawing instead of listening because that´s what I always did.
Nope, I shouldn´t be a teacher. Good to know.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Förbjud fylleri

Forbid drunkenness
We think drunkards should be forbidden, cause you get scared of them. One day when we walked in the city there came a drunkard and asked for money.
Borgåbladet 4.12.07

Thursday, November 29, 2007


Mostly life is just as interesting as Ängelholm station on a Tuesday morning. It´s like nothing is even allowed to happen, as if everything is doomed to just continue on in old tracks like it has always done - but the opportunities I have to just fuck it all makes me crazy! The intensity that living gives me is unescapable. It´s there all the time. When I wash my dishes, when I bring the milk inside from the balcony cause the fridge is broken - it is there. Even if everything I do and say is accompanied by the greyness of November, of the sound of water splashing against the street from cars - it is there, it is there. All the what should I do´s and don´ts. The quiet echoes from time bumping against walls.

Some moments are so creeping silent that you just want to stab a knife right into them or fast forward them until the next exciting thing is coming along.

I make drastic moves just to feel alive. I escape everything just to be somewhere else, to feel different feelings, new sensational and overwhelming feelings that I haven´t felt before.

I am breaking up with Malmö again. The moments when going from one level to another hurt like hell, and I have them all the time as if I love them.
I am going home now.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Glimpses of someone else´s life eller skyll er själva om ni lämnar bilder efter er i Pildammsparken

I found these photos in a park. Imagine - these people were out partying - then they even forgot their last party pictures IN A PARK. Who are these people? Where the hell was I when they were having the time of their life?

Monday, November 26, 2007


Guess where I was during the weekend?
Here your mind can be as colorful as the streets are grey.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


The same tone at many places. How the hell is one supposed to know from which one to start?

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Fucking Finland

Usch. Nu drabbades jag av en sån där obehaglig känsla av att jag inte vill till Finland. Den kommer alltid när man bara lite föreställer sig hur det är att gå till butiken, hur det är att sitta vid middagsbord och prata finlandssvenska och höra dom där SMÅ CIRKLARNA gå i sina gängor, hur molnen far förbi på himlen som välver sig över ett land där nästan uteslutande FINNAR går på gatorna. Man behöver bara läsa en nyhet på x3m om att det ska komma en arabisk version av MTV och fördomarna och dom små "hehhe"-kommentarerna haglar. Jag HATAR detta! Jag orkar inte med ett land som har så mycket att gå igenom, som fortfarande tror att "det nog är bäst bara alla håller sig inom sina gränser", som har en genomgående rasitisk grundinställning bland äldre, och där man helt utan att nån ens vänder på huvudet kan säga främlingsfientliga saker i högstadiet, för att där inte FINNS nån utlänning i klassrummet!

"Ångest, depression, rysningar, feber, hosta, trötthet och huvudvärk kan vara ett tecken på allvarlig kvinnosjukdom som också drabbar män"

Been working in buses, counting people, got to love it, got completely enough of it. Lost all content from my old computer, all pictures, all texts. And guess what? It feels great. Been healed, been sleepless, been sure and unsure, happy and desperate.
Nothing unusual.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Snälla barn väntar och blir utan

...eller den som väntar, väntar alltid för länge.
Hur som helst. Min dator har gått sönder. Jag har gått i stå. Här kommer inte att hända ett skit på en tid.
My computer has given up. People who wait, wait in vain. Make coffee or blow bubble gums, here ain´t gonna happen nada.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Smärtsamma övergångar

Jag har så svårt att avsluta saker, vad som helst. Jag vill inte avsluta denna kväll, eftersom den är rätt underbar. På morgonen vill jag inte sluta äta frukost. Processen att övergå från ett skede till ett annat är rentav smärtsam.
Jag är skitdålig på avslutningar. Kolla bara hur jag gör det här: SLUT!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Fast and pray


I guess there mails are known to almost anyone by now. Poor people!
But this one took the price. He found my "impressive information" through the internet search, and even fasted and prayed before he contacted me!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Fjutte has something to sell

Dear People,

I am pleased and delighted to have contact with you via this medium. My name is Fjutte. I am a cockatiel and Swedish by nationality. I personally decided to contact you so that we can negotiate reasonably and have a successful business transaction together.

I have 150 kilogram of 22plus Carat Alluvial Gold Dust which I inherited from my late father, which I have decided to put on sale for sometimes now. I need a serious minded buyer who will purchase them from me within the shortest time possible. If you are interested, kindly indicate it in your reply to this attractive offer I have presented to you.

This is the primary reason why I have attached my Full Corporate Offer (FCO) in this mail you are reading for your personal evaluation and consideration.If my offer is acceptable to you, kindly let me know immediately so that we can proceed accordingly. Please be informed that my gold price is also negotiable. Please find below my Full Corporate Offer (FCO) for the sale of my AU Metal dust:


OWNER OF AU METAL--------------- Fjutte
PRODUCT: -------------------------- Alluvial Gold Dust (AU).
ORIGIN: --------------------------- Unknown
QUANTITY: ------------------------ 150 kilograms.
QUALITY: -------------------------- 22+carat.
PRICE PER KILOGRAM: ------------$16,000USD (Negotiable).
PACKAGING: ------------------------ Securely packaged In
a Galvanized metal box.

Payment must be made in cash or via Telegraphic Transfer (T/T) or Wire Transfer within 72hours to a specified bank account to be recommended by my Lawyer. I will patiently wait for your reply on the above subject matter soonest. Looking forward to having a successful transaction with you. Have a pleasant nice day.

Yours Sincerely,

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Internet is hell of a good thing when it works but when it doesn´t work it drives you nuts and insane, just makes you stare at the stupid "försök igen senare"- messages and push the button furiously ten times in a row, while giving it a manipulating look "nu satan fungerar du din helvetes pissröv", makes you want to throw the machine at the floor and torture it, jump on it and scream at it, as if it would help in some way, as if those bugs would jump out of the system with their hands on their neck while begging for mercy and promising never to cause any problems anymore. During the last week one problem has gone into another, like several different stupid problems with different possible solutions, and it´s driving me insane cause I have fucking business to do here! As you can see..

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Orubricerat skrivande från en park i Malmö

Ett socialt fiasko. Det är vad man kan kalla saker ibland. Mitt beteende om morgnarna till exempel. Behöver inga ytterligare utsvävningar för att förklaras. Jag skulle ha DÖDAT ifall jag hade blivit tvungen att vakna upp till ett frukostbord med mina rumskamrater idag. Ibland är tanken på mänskligt umgänge helt enkelt så HELVETISKT motbjudande att man inte vet vart man ska ta vägen. När jag vaknade idag visste jag att det var en sånhär dag då man bara fort ska samla på sig sina närmaste tillhörigheter och något i klädväg, fort fort dra på sig allt och fortfort fort ta sig ut genom dörren, fort som satan helt enkelt, för katastrof ifall nån hade vaknat och undrat vad man sysslar med, katastrof ifall man hade blivit tvungen att YTTRA ETT PAR ORD innan klockan nie. Så jag gick ut vid halvåtta, solen stod redan högt, var sådär bländande och skarp som morgonsolen kan vara, och då kunde jag andas ut som en knarkare som har fått sin line, fri och oberoende ensam ute på gatorna.
Ordlös kommunikation med en häst. Det upplevde jag sen i folkets park. Något av det vackraste. Äh, man behöver inte kalla det så fint som "ordlös kommunikation" men det att klappa en dammig häst som tittar på en och skuffar på en med mulen, det är något i det som är så rörande och svårbeskrivligt.
Herregud vad jag längtar bort och ut. Jag längtar bort från allt som binder mig till platser och situationer, längtar bort från mänskor som tvingar en att återanpassa sig till gamla slitna och underlägsna roller, folk som hur glada och roliga dom än är får en att gråta och minnas och vrida täcket till korv om nätterna, minnen av förlust och svart sorg och sånt där som får en att bli liten och tråkig fast man andra dagar själv kan se i spegeln att man är ett i alla fall relativt skapligt fruntimmer. Åt helvete med dessa!
Framåt för såna som förstår att ge komplimanger även om dom är tagna ur lösa grunder, va fan bryr vi oss om det så länge det låter bra haha? Och jag är så glad över att jag ska bort på onsdag, även om det bara är för en vecka. Jag är glad för att det kommer att ge mig nån slags insikt i nån slags riktning. Och mest av allt är jag för helvete glad för att jag kommer att vara alldeles ensam i två dagar INNAN. Innan det händer allt det där som jag förknippar med VÄLMÅENDE.
Precisering följer INTE. Endast en bild som inte har absolut nånting med ämnet att göra.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Cancellation: The Real Gallery Of Fools

Know what happened? We were actually so ugly that we destroyed the memory card. I am not kidding. The camera REFUSED to transfer the pictures to my computer, I had to format the card and the pics were gone.
This is what happens when you play with dangerous things.

Otherwise I am longing for sweet luv n Amsterdam.

And to describe what I´m doing nowadays it would more or less be:
playing with these beauuuutiful brrrrrds:

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

SECOND WARNING: the real gallery of fools coming up

Just to make you impatient: coming up: the Real gallery of fools.
I need a new cable. The older one is gone for real, I can´t believe it, but it´s gone for real.
Soon; The Real Gallery Of Fools.
Me? Now? Waisting important time in Bergen.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Coming up: The REAL Gallery Of Fools

Expect a REAL GALLERY OF FOOLS here shortly.
Cast: Me, my brother and my father.
Sorry, I can´t find the fucking camera cable, but as soon as it´s found, pics will be here.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Thunderstorm and a hard boiled egg

A dog scared of thunder means -
Working with a dog scared of thunder.
Sleeping with a dog scared of thunder.
Eating with a dog scared of thunder.
Hell yes;
Shivering synchronically with a dog scared of thunder.

So today there was like a really huge thunderstorm.
There were many other things happening too, but most of them were in my silly mind.
Thinking about the future, coming out with
-you guessed it-
a hard boiled egg.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Eiffel towers n hard boiled eggs

It rained all those days while I was in the mountains of Slovakia, stumbling around alone at some cloud-covered mountain tops.
Hell, that was the highlight of the trip! could go back any day...

But now; I am home! I am home I am home in Finland, and how I´ve longed for this!!
Now I have 4 days to spend in this pupa of well-being before I am off to Malmö, with another era of more or less chaos before me.

I got so tired of travelling, I couldn´t hardly believe it. After seing Heroe´s Square in Budapest, thinking so what´s the big deal about that, I realised it was time for me to retreat. It was time for me to let tourist attractions be what they are - tourist attractions and not attractions for me. I stopped looking up all the "must-sees" and spent the rest of my money in an English book-store and the rest of the time in parks. I was done with touristing. Europe´s largest synagogue - what ever. What´s the big deal anyway with herds of people wanting to see exactly the same thing? I never really understood that, the "value" of buildings etc. To me the Eiffel tower equals a hard boiled egg.

Gee, I´m PINK!

Friday, August 10, 2007


I am in Bratislava now, going to the mountains, and I am just going to tell one thing:
Things NEVER turn out the way you plan them to.
Almost never. I left my travel company because I got completely enough of it, and I am not going to be humble about that
traveling alone is THE thing!
Soviet architecture rules!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Hello! I´m tired as hell so I have just put all the pictures worth to see in a row which is to represent the last few days.
My mother was visiting me here in Paris, as you can see from the pics. She´s hell of a climber, you can even see her climbing through the fence in Versailles. She´s hell of a coffee drinker too, and a wine drinker. Well, and a museum/church/whatever-old-and-worn-out - sponge. Now I ´m just so sick of tourism I want bury myself in a corner. I have never understood staying in line just to see some old farts, but my mother seem to understand it well better.
Well, now she´s going to take my dear ol´ computer back to Finland, while I am going to Vienna, Bratislava and Budapest. All before the school begins in Malmö. Mr Wacky is coming, which can just mean one thing - crazy times are ahead. One can never expect anything.
See you later!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Finnish Gallup has made a survey that says 19% of the Finnish population doesn´t want a foreigner as a neighbour. NINETEEN PROCENT!! 92% doesn´t want to live next to a drug addict and 44% doesn´t want to have someone with mental problems next door.
Now, wonder why I don´t want to live in Finland?